Bella’s Big Girl Room

If you recall, we had a rather large ‘to do list’ to complete before baby Luca was born in September. At the top of the list was to transition Bella out of the crib and into a ‘big girl bed.’ She was just over two years but we decided it may be more cost effective to purchase a bed for Bella (which she will sleep in for the rest of her life, because I’m never letting her move out), rather than purchase another crib.


I revealed Bella’s nursery in a blog post here, and as you can see, it was all things Bella; feminine, floral, and pink. We didn’t want to do a complete makeover of her space, as we were still happy with the general vibe in her room (it had only been 2 years since we designed it)! Instead, we just wanted to modify the room to make a bigger bed fit!


We hummed and hawed over what size of bed to get Bella. Her room is a decent size and able to fit a larger bed, but would it be too big for such a little lady? If we bought a twin bed, would we soon then be having to replace it with a larger bed in a few years? After much back and forth, we opted for a double bed which seemed a happy medium between a queen and a twin. Once that decision was made, then it was time to pick a bed frame!


I described the type of bed I was looking for (white, metal, vintage inspired) to my friend Lindsay, who has impeccable design taste, and she actually sent me the link for the bed we ended up ordering! It is the Bombay Platform Bed from Wayfair and we are super happy with it!


One thing I wish we would have splurged on would have been a mattress, we got her an ‘ok’ one, but when we lay with her, I have to admit, it isn’t super comfortable. Although she’s only 29 lbs so it’s probably plenty comfortable for her right now. Perhaps we will upgrade her to something more fit for a princess in the future ;) In order to keep the bed low (and make a potential fall less painful), we just got a mattress and didn’t bother with a box spring. It’s the perfect height for her to get in and out of independently. She has fallen out about 3 times in the last 6 months but she recovered quickly ;)


One must-have item for the bed is a waterproof mattress cover, which we picked up at Walmart. The sheets and duvet cover are Bella Lux brand from Homesense. I found the toss cushions there as well, which were in Bella’s nursery. The bunny on the bed was actually mine when I was little. We have a bit of a bunny theme going on throughout her room- although lately she’s been waking up with nightmares of a ‘rabbit grinch’- which sounds terrifying :o

The floating shelves were in her nursery as well. They are just floating shelves from Home Depot. I’m always switching up the styling of her shelves.


The nightstand is another recent addition. It is the Tyssedal bedside table from IKEA. Bunny lamp and magazine holder are also both Homesense scores. Bunny humidifier is a recent amazon purchase that Bella is loving. She also usually keeps a water bottle on her nightstand. I made the floral heart for her nursery, and even blogged a DIY if you are interested in checking that out.

The bookshelf is from IKEA’s Billy series, but to be honest- we are looking to replace it. The quality is poor and it is quite unsteady (don’t worry, we have it secured to the wall). Maybe it’s our own fault though- we do have a lot of books on it! So if you have any recommendations for a good quality bookcase- please leave it in the comments!


I made a cozy little reading area for Bella to look at her books, using the poof we had for a rocker footstool in the nursery. Bunny print is by local artist Calista Cooper.

The gold sleeping lashes over the light switch are a new addition to Bella’s big girl room. We got them from local maker Saskatoon Chic, so definitely check them out!! They make the cutest signs, which is where we found Luca’s name sign in his nursery as well!


I still love the gallery wall in her room! We have changed it up a bit since the nursery days, so we use 3M products to hang things whenever possible! Most frames are from Homesense and the white mirror is vintage. My friend Whitney cross stitched the bunny for B’s first birthday which we will love forever! The cloud bow holder was also a birthday gift from our friend Desiree, which was purchased on Etsy.


The dress up corner is likely Queen B’s favourite area in her room! She is slowly building her collection of princess dresses and she just loves having them on display to admire. Full length mirror and shelf are, of course, Homesense.


We have Bella’s growth chart hung behind her door. It was made my a local maker but I cannot remember their name- oops! We also have never marked Bella’s height on it (although I have her measurements recorded). So this is pretty much an all around fail haha.


And lastly, here is a peak inside Bella’s closet, which I did not organize or style for the photo! My husband customized the closet using Closet Mate products from Home Depot. The white baskets on the bottom are IKEA and we store her keepsake boxes on the top shelf. I NEED to go through her closet because tons of the items no longer fit- a constant struggle!


And that’s pretty much it! I hope you enjoyed touring Bella’s room!

Xo Kk


Luca’s Four Month Update


Goals for 2019